Bring the #1 staff development training to your school!
Maximize your impact as administrators, teachers, and support staff
De-escalate situations safely
Learn safe restraint holds and proper usage
You can make all the difference in a child's life
"What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches."
-Karl Meninger
Areté: Become More
Areté is a concept in ancient Greek thought meaning excellence or virtue. Using areté as a principle for living life means you are focused on the quality of everything you do and experience…a person's "full realization of potential." A person of areté is of the highest effectiveness; they use all of their faculties—strength, bravery, and wit—to achieve real results.
It was commonly believed the mind, body, and soul each had to be developed and prepared to live a life of areté.
Call 208-315-5759 to discuss your specific training needs